English version available at the bottom.
スイスドロー1回戦 てっこつビルディング
2回戦 ぱきっとビスケット
3回戦 ましかくスクエア
4回戦 ばってんガーデン
5回戦 ぽっかりレイク
決勝トーナメント準決勝 かみなりステーション
決勝 へだたりウォール
Twitter:@Tableturf_Tomo にDMを使用する予定のデッキ・ステージを紐付けて送ってください。例:デッキ名(まっすぐストリート) デッキの画像と使うステージ名がわかるように2024/05/25 19:00までに送ってください。(2024/05/25 20:30までに公表できるように努力します)
・ジェットパック杯はナワバトラー友の会のDiscordサーバー内で行われます。ナワバトラー友の会(https://discord.com/invite/59VArwxndb) に忘れずに入ってください。
・気になる点がありましたらTwitter:@Tableturf_denAにDMもしくはナワバトラー友の会、ジェットパック杯-INKJET CUPの#質問受け答え所に書き込んでください。
Tournament Format
Swiss Draw with 5 rounds bo3 (2 first rounds), followed by a tournament (single elimination) bo5 (3 first rounds) for the top 4 players to decide the winner.
Counter stage (the loser of the previous fight chooses the next stage to fight)
Box Seats, opponent’s consent is required to select a stage that has already been fought against the same opponent.
Time limit: 40 seconds.
First stage fought in each round
Swiss Draw 1st round Gider for Battle
2nd round Cracker Snap
3rd round Square Squared
4th round X Marks The Garden
5th round Lakefront Property
Final tournament semi-final Thunder Point
Final Over the Line
In the event of a draw, one more match at the same stage, and one point in each if another draw is made.
Open-sheet format (decks to be used in each stage are to be submitted and announced in advance).
Send a DM to Twitter:@Tableturf_Tomo with the deck/stage you plan to use tied to it. For example:deck name (Main Street)
Participation Requirements
You can select River Drift (over Rank27).
Pool Code
Inkjet Cup will take place on the Discord server of ナワバトラー友の会. Don’t forget to join ナワバトラー友の会 (https://discord.com/invite/59VArwxndb).
Please use your Splatoon3 name to enter the competition.
Please attend and submit your deck as soon as possible for the open-sheet format of the deck publication.
Please add a password when you create a room to play in the tournament.
Please give opponent your room password when you create a room to play in.
Please do not go to other rooms during the tournament to watch the game.
If the line is down, the downed player loses and gives 1 point to his or her opponent before continuing.
Please take a screenshot after each match. It will be useful as evidence in case of trouble.
If the opponent has not arrived within 10 minutes after the opponent has been decided, the game will be declared a no-win.
If it is difficult to continue participating during the tournament, the organiser will be notified and the player will be abstaining.
If a player is found to be behaving in a way that is extremely detrimental to the tournament, such as obvious delays, abusive language during matches or false reporting of results, he or she will be disqualified and, if there is no room for improvement, will be banned from participating in tournaments organised by ナワバトラー友の会.
If you have any questions, please DM Twitter:@Tableturf_denA or post them in the #質問受け答え所 section of ジェットパック杯-INKJET CUP of ナワバトラー友の会.
About Streaming
The organiser does not have the equipment to stream the event, so there will be no hosted streaming, but if you can stream the event, we would appreciate it if you could stream it. (If you do, please delay 40 seconds or more to ensure fairness with your opponents.)
Stage Translation List ステージ対訳表
Main Street まっすぐストリート
Thunder Point かみなりステーション
X Marks The Garden ばってんガーデン
Square Squared ましかくスクエア
Lakefront Property ぽっかりレイク
Double Gemini ふたごアイランド
River Drift うねうねリバー
Box Seats こぢんまりスタジアム
Gider for Battle てっこつビルディング
Mask Mansion かめんハウス
Sticky Thicket まっくらフォレスト
Cracker Snap ぱきっとビスケット
Two-Lane Splattop そっくりストリート
Pedal to the Metal かそくハイウェイ
Over the Line へだたりウォール
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